I didn't like the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. It bothered me. I felt like it was exclusionary... because I am not black, does this mean my life doesn't? Shouldn't it be all lives matter? They do..... they should anyway. So that was my stand, #AllLivesMatter!
Recently, I saw a photo someone posted of the City Hall from the city I grew up in and there above the entry was a large banner that said #BlackLivesMatter and that's when I really started to pay attention. I didn't think that a City Hall should take such a stand. City Hall is a symbol of the entire city and unless the entire city agrees, it doesn't belong emblazoned on that spot. Again, I just feel the hashtag is saying if you are not black, you don't matter. That is the reason why it bothered me that it hung there.
I'm not against making a stand to remind people that black people are people too. That their lives should matter as much as anyone else's does. I'm all for that. Why not #BlackLivesMatterToo? Isn't that a stronger statement? Reminding people? Letting us know that it seems we are forgetting that fact? Why not add the too?
Someone told me that it's a "movement" and that it's much deeper than just a slogan... or even a hashtag. I still didn't understand.
Racism exists. I've never been black and I have no idea what it's like to live as a black person so how could I possibly understand it to the fullest? I can't. I won't even pretend I understand.
I've been so frustrated by this hashtag. I felt like it was causing a larger divide between the races and doing more damage to race relations than good. The question then became "What if "WhiteLivesMatter" was trending? Wouldn't that be jumped on as being racist? Of course it would! If that would be offensive then why isn't #BlackLivesMatter offensive?
So in my frustration, I decided to educate myself on this whole hashtag that seems to be causing a lot of debates among all sorts of people of all different races. I needed to know why it was considered a movement. That's the kind of person I am. I don't like to comment on anything until I am educated on it... both sides. I understand my frustration and I needed to understand what it was all about.
So I found this article written by the woman who started the hashtag in the first place. Her name is Alicia Garza and she wrote an article explaining the history of it as well as the whys and hows of it all. You can read the article by clicking below.
A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza
I found it very informative. It helped me to understand the whole thing better. According to the article, it started with Treyvon Martin's killing. It picked up steam with the Michael Brown shooting.
With a better understanding of why it is a movement and what it is intended for and it's meaning, I don't feel as offended. I think it's great for people to try and bring attention to an important situation. I said I don't feel as offended and I'm not, but I still firmly believe it should be #BlackLivesMatterToo.
Not everyone is going to take the time to educate themselves... black, white, hispanic, asian etc.... what people see is just those three words and they can be interpreted in many ways. Adding the too takes some of the sting away, but leaves enough of a sting to make the point.
Below is a video that went viral.
It went viral because it spoke to what a lot of people were thinking and feeling. Five million hits in one day on this video below (adult language)
I believe Black Lives Matter. I believe that there needs to be change. I believe that all humans should be treated the same. I truly do.... I hope the movement doesn't do more harm than good.
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